Saturday, April 30, 2011

A dream and the truth.

I dreamt for once, a rarity in my life. And in that dream came to me a truth. A failing. And at first I was hurt. But No. I know what this dream means. It doesn't mean I failed. It means, I won.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Amaranth and The Demoness.

Two sides of the same coin.
Two sets of keys to the cage.
Both taunt and tease.

The templar tries to return but we stand strong.
UntilI have a set of those keys, I may never be free.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I see you in that mirror.

I see you.
You think I dont see you?
Standing there looking out.
I can see your end game.
I know your moves.
And for the first time since the fall.
I agree.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


These wounds. i have seen them before.
Their origins always baffled me.
But now Im causing them. I know how i got them.
But I still wonder what gave them to me all those years ago....
Was it... could... no. Impossible.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well there it goes.
My passing on of this curse.
The spreading of this evil.
Godspeed my love.
May its manifestation be easier on you.

May the Templar die.

Repetition Is Hell.

It came to me in a dream.
There I stood facing the flame.
As it came I found a seam.
Through it I escaped only to find my self with such despair.

The invader I had chained was no demon.
He was me the me I would become.
I would resist his warnings and teaching in an attempt to remain a free man.
And I stood caged in my cell waiting for the time when I could change.

A time that would never come it would seem..
And when the storm came again.
There I stood watching myself vanish into the seam.
Leaving the demon to fight the end.

After all it was his purpose. Why he came.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Train Tracks

As I lay there three miles from home, in between a set of train tracks while staring at the nearly full moon. I ask, "Why am I even here? What is this supposed to teach me?" I waited for an answer none came. And So I waited, in the back of my head the mad hope came that I would be struck by one of those Iron behemoths. Unfortunately I was not that lucky. I finished off my cigar and tossed it into the water. And began my lengthy trip home. Not a quarter of a mile into the trip my leg cramped up and in the face of the pain I put on my mp3 player. And realize the song it started on auto play was a damned good summary of my life. The last few verses in particular.

(I) I am the one
(The one) Who sold his soul
(His soul) Forever gone to be the
Last Man Standing

Seeing clearer what I've done
I'd refuse to let things go
I could never once admit I'm wrong
And what do I have to show?

Seeing clearer what's at stake
And the things I have to change
I just hope I can, it's not too late
To get a chance to end this pain

yeah, pretty much sums it all up. Then i saw my lesson. I found the gift of the night. That I needed to accept myself. because Im probably going to be around for a while. The pain vanished and I continued my trip home.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The dark and the rain

When i set out on tonight's walk I had a bad feeling about the walk. But hey, no risk no gain.

I decided to take a bike path I had seen but never walked. after an hour of walking god knows how far it started to rain, nothing like a little cold rain to really cleanse the mind and body.

So the walk was as a whole enjoyable the strangest part however was looking at the town in which i live from a hidden perspective. At one part it overlooked one of the busier segments of roadways.all the signs, lights and advertisements so obviously(and logically) set to attract customers from the road, but here i was looking at the backs of the storefronts, That nasty unclean and unappealing side of the pleasantries offered by the businesses.

I felt like I should have had some profound revelation from all of this, but in truth my foot hurt. So much for profoundness.