We had shaken the pillars of heaven, stolen divinity, marched against cults and burnt everything we touched. From our ashes we saw a goal, not a competition for resources, nor our meaningless battle for supremacy. A far greater enemy was on our door. A Demon, Templar, Sage, Witch, and Broken Knight would never be enough, regardless of our armies, we needed another champion.
And so we sought out to bring it forth, with knowledge stolen from The Queen we set to work. As merciless and devious as The Demon, as furious and unyielding as The Templar, as wise and cunning as The Sage, as kind and serene as The Witch. Our new champion would be the greatest of all, a force to rival even The Lost Son.
And The Knight began his work, bearing the weight of such a terrible sin. To defy fate, stand against gods, and cheat death. His profane arts were put to the test and in blood and sweat he inscribed the signs. His soul fractured yet again, He would wonder what must be left of him under his helmet. Far had he come from his days as a peasant boy, stolen his honorable title forged his armor in divinity and tempered it with sin. Perhaps he thought this quest could redeem him in some small measure.
It was not the glorious battle he craved, there would be no accolades of his success should he win. And he knew in the end his victory would mean no gain for him, the prize he sought was already lost to him. But he worked regardless convinced of his righteousness as his soul shriveled more each passing hour.
The champion began to take form, her hair black as the night, and eyes as red as the fires of hell. Her words began to creep in from the aether. Vile whispers awakening an old demon who stirs and rattles in it's cage, and haunting the dreams of all involved. Her power grew, striving for her objective even from beyond creation.
Now they stand, The Knight and all his children around the alter as he plays god once again,. and the Brilliant Nova cast forth from the ritual sends chills through their bodies as she stand before them. Terrible and Mighty she stands her collar and shackles grow brighter than a thousand suns controlling her and empowering her. As she looks over the hordes assembled for the war ahead of them she gives the order, "March."