Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Poseidon's Challege

I remember that
that feeling
That comfort

In a place where I have no reason to be
No place to be had
I was once at home

For years I had forsaken it
Forgotten its sweet embrace
it's crushing power
It's tender touch

Trial by fire
Death or life
Sink, or swim

Only way to regain what I had
Go until I could not go any more
then go a little farther
Knock on death's door
Tell him g'day

Monday, June 27, 2011

*Insert post here*

I want to post something long cryptic and well, annoyingly hard to figure out.

But the simple truth is better

Life is good my friends, Life is good.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Fairy Tale Reality

Can such a thing be real?
Flawed and scarred it sat
Honest and truthful
My heart full of compassion
As the shame rolled off like sweat

But I saw the weight be lifted
The relief it gained
It's strength, renewed

Together we sat
And the timeliness
of that device so perfect
ensnared us

No stars in the sky
But in the eyes they shown
Universes and possibilities
Countless and wonderful

That Rose so perfect and beautiful
Grown even through the toughest of soils

Surely this can't be real
A dream
A fairy tale
Come-a-la come ka

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Truth from a Rose

I was honest
I the words were true
I know in my heart
They are true

The tower be damned
This is the way
Follow the beams
Not to the tower
but to the Rose

And the Rose spoke to me
its words
its song
were the same.

War with the queen

I gave him a task
I gave him a sanctuary
I gave him a blueprint

He corrupted a god
Tore down the walls
Broke the templar
I believe it was a ruse

Not to fight the queen
but to fight the templar
and that night
he burned with the fury of a thousand suns
And the world was gone

But that hag
That webspinner
She still lurks

We still do not trust her
An army sleeps.

The Web of Fate

It was once said,
No fate,
No fate but what we make.

Logic dictates such thing
Every beginning has an end
Every end, has a beginning.

But the difference
The point
The reason
Is who makes that fate?

Do we humans in our arrogance
Actually have control over our own lives?
Are we guided by a higher power who has a plan
if we are guided by a higher power, why bother?

Who is to say we shouldn't just
Sit down, take a nap
Stop caring.

But we dont
we strive
we crave
We create
We destroy

No fate but what we make
I want to know who is this we?

The Tower and the Rose

The King wrote of such things
As did the poet before him
The two that stood
In the center of all

That tower
And that eternal Rose
I wonder now
Can such things exist

One time yes I truly thought so
The tower at the end of that path
Long and painful
And the empty salvation it would bring.

But now I have seen the Rose
The countless possibilities contained within
Life, the universe, and everything

I wonder though
Does ka take me to the tower?
Or that wonderful Rose

Friday, June 24, 2011


Studied I have.
The countless flaws and quirks
We humans possess

I have uncovered power
Dangerous and volitile
The ability to push, control and convince
But there was always
A line

A phrase I swore
Would never be uttered in vain.
 Would never be used to harm
To kill or maim

It was sacred
I swore to guard it
To only use it when I meant it.
When It needed said.

And today it slipped though my lips
uttered under my voice
it was heard
Laughed off
covered up

and I drove
To desolation
To be alone
To ask myself

Why I had done such a thing
Unleashed such a terrible weapon
On such an innocent person
Such beauty and perfection

and then
Solemn and quiet
The truth fell upon me
It staggered my balance
broke my stride

It was true.
The tower and my Rose
It was true.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Dreams, they cometh

Ages they were silent
Still and devoid
Empty nothingness
Todash they were

Now they swirl
spin and pulse
Vibrant and alive
Something has awoken

It yearned to be free
To live again
risen from the dirt and muck
it now spreads its wings

Like a phoenix from the ashes
My dreams flood my mind
Their meaning is unknown
Their purpose is random

But again I dream
By god, I Dream!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thor Approves

For ages I suffered
Burdoned by the weight of the world
A weight I had chosen to carry alone
Companions I have had
Friends, Advisors,
Amaranths and Demons
In an instant
It was lifted

And I saw
This battle
This struggle
I was not alone
That there were others
And I had found one

And Thor's thunder sounded in approval.

Monday, June 20, 2011


We stand in the shadows
Alone we stand
The multitude of solidarity
We are legion
And legion is many
Yet legion is one
The one who can move a mountain
The many who cry out in a thousand voices
We are legion

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Secrets Untold

Before your banishment
I was going to leave you.

You never had me
not all of me.

I called a name into the
blackness one night
She answered.

There was no long line that night.

I didn't forget those days, I didn't care.

I regret only that I am nice.

She didn't only invite me to the play that day in the rain.

I am a hypocrite. And I'm ok with that.

I made the bond that binds us, I wish I could undo it.

I know your game, I decided to play it better than you.

I know you love,
Yes I know you told me
But I know how much
And I know you want me to use it against you

I could have saved you, I chose not to
But told everyone i could not.

I love you dearly
But I plan to leave you behind
and never look back

I know how i got those scars.

It was not my first time.

I would snatch your angel away from you in an instant.
And I've only met you once. It's not personal.

Your angel would leave you if i asked her to.
But I'm to nice. That may change.

You didn't do it. I set you up.

The reason i never liked you
is because for a long time
I thought you were better
Really you're an idiot.

I wish to know your blessing.
But I refuse to deviate
Dumb, I know.

I would be torn between the grace
And the damnnation
Dumb, I know.

I did need help, I lied.

That night, i did what i said i would
and claimed i didnt

I tracked the miles you traversed.
I knew you lied.
I let you.

Your sisters knew.

I know you will suffer.
Your to stubborn not to

I told you the truth
you told me i lied
I laughed it off

Id give it up for you
All of it

I never stopped practicing

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random bits of my personal philosophy

Here's a bit of thought for you, get in your car. Now go for a drive. What do you see? Do you see the wheel? The instrument panel? The gearshift? The road? Of course you do. Well except that last part. You don't see the road, not really anyway. What you see is the windshield, you simply trust that the windshield does not lie to you.

Think about that for a minute and apply it to your life. Our windshields are made dirty by our religion, our beliefs, our politics, our life experiences, our role models. Can you really trust your windshield to tell you the truth? If not I suggest you buy some windex.

I do not believe in Intelligent design. Nor do I believe in Evolution.
I believe in Intelligent Evolution, go back re-read Genesis, it lays out the big bang theory right there. Promise.

Science is a force for good, just because science frightens and scares you, it's no reason to be a bitch about it.

Ignorance is not bad. The unwillingness to become educated is.

If your unhappy with your life, your entire life. Then shake it up and see where the pieces fall its not rocket science.

Rules exist for a reason, and the reason they exist is the important part, not the rule it's self. So go break a few rules if you've got to, just find out why they are in place first.

The why is actually a big deal, what someone does is always dictated by the why of their doing. Please Learn the why before you judge.

If it feels wrong, it probably is.

If it feels right, make sure your not drunk.

If you say you don't care, You're a liar.

We never "get over" anything, we just build over top of it.

When it comes to religion, Faith is the important part not religion. Your catholic? Yay for you. Your Muslim? Yay for you. Your Jewish? Yay for you. They all worship the same god(and if you don't believe that your retarded). Forget the name, believe in the Faith.

That's all for now toodles.

Things done for reasons past

You will never know
The things i have done
The reason for their doing
And the guilt they have caused

With a heavy heart i did these things
With a heavy hand I slamed those doors
Burnt those bridges
Left no return

The reasons will stay unknown
The purpose unseen.

When you have done something right
It doesn't look like you have done anything at all

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The name long forgotten

I have wondered
What it was
Who i am
Before the break
Before the fall
Before the Z
Before the He
Before that templar came to power

I know the what
But not the who
I wonder endlessly
The who

The who

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Message Recieved.

I got your message. I know your reading this.

Here is my response.

Nemo me impune lacessit.

Monday, June 6, 2011

I know your there

I hear you,
i see you
When i relax
you do your thing

Vigilance must be maintained
You are a bastard
And I hate you
Your reasons
Your plans

I know my fate
It is a curse
I spoke the words
and i wished i had died

Tell me then
almighty one
why me
why must I be the one
To carry this burden

Surely someone else
can do it
I hate being what i am

And pride binds me
not to quit

Friday, June 3, 2011

Burn the pain

And there I sat
In that sacred place
That place of wonder
That place of death.

Eager and anxious
Impatient as always
I did it
I used something
I swore i would not

As the fire raced through my body
I felt it
I felt the fade weaken
The walls break down
the bindings, unbound.

Free and safe
Sound and strong
Born of darkness
and of fire

It burns.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It would seem
Im not the only one who sees it
these changes
These... improvements.
They are obvious
They are outward

My mind is not fooling me.
The man I see staring back at me
Is who I thought him to be
He is the one that existed before.

Before the darkness
Before the pain
Before the suffering
Before the fall.

My work.
My endeavors.
My struggle
Was not in vain

I am as i should be