Here's a bit of thought for you, get in your car. Now go for a drive. What do you see? Do you see the wheel? The instrument panel? The gearshift? The road? Of course you do. Well except that last part. You don't see the road, not really anyway. What you see is the windshield, you simply trust that the windshield does not lie to you.
Think about that for a minute and apply it to your life. Our windshields are made dirty by our religion, our beliefs, our politics, our life experiences, our role models. Can you really trust your windshield to tell you the truth? If not I suggest you buy some windex.
I do not believe in Intelligent design. Nor do I believe in Evolution.
I believe in Intelligent Evolution, go back re-read Genesis, it lays out the big bang theory right there. Promise.
Science is a force for good, just because science frightens and scares you, it's no reason to be a bitch about it.
Ignorance is not bad. The unwillingness to become educated is.
If your unhappy with your life, your entire life. Then shake it up and see where the pieces fall its not rocket science.
Rules exist for a reason, and the reason they exist is the important part, not the rule it's self. So go break a few rules if you've got to, just find out why they are in place first.
The why is actually a big deal, what someone does is always dictated by the why of their doing. Please Learn the why before you judge.
If it feels wrong, it probably is.
If it feels right, make sure your not drunk.
If you say you don't care, You're a liar.
We never "get over" anything, we just build over top of it.
When it comes to religion, Faith is the important part not religion. Your catholic? Yay for you. Your Muslim? Yay for you. Your Jewish? Yay for you. They all worship the same god(and if you don't believe that your retarded). Forget the name, believe in the Faith.
That's all for now toodles.
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