Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The corpse of a templar

I was foolish to think
That something so old and so strong
could be defeated in a few mere hours.

His legacy haunts me.
His tendencies laugh at me
I have seen his shadow darken my every step

I am stronger than he ever was
Patience and persistence were his virtues
Such are games I hate to play

I will find you.
Hiding amung my dreams
I wonder if Rosa...

No, such thoughts are for the old gods.
We are remade from them.
And old idea, made new.
Gods of the earth

Not of heaven
Not of hell

Mortal gods.
Olympus stands empty.
Vanaheimr sits empty
Asgard stands silent.

The war was a terrifying one
The survivors walk silently
through their mortality
one life to the next

Immortal in their Mortality
The lost wait unknowingly
The old gods dwell
Cuthulu sleeps

Yet we are new.
The old reforged
The first of perhaps

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My old friend, where have you been.

Those eyes
endless blue
cold, and resolute
the eyes of a gunslinger i reckon

I haven't seen you
since the plans first formation
since after the fall

Where have you been?
Hiding? no, its not in your nature
Waiting? perhaps
patience always was your virtue

Old dear friend
dear demon
We are on the path
out of these wastelands
Pain our unfaltering guide

Come a la come ka
The gun and my precious rose.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Rose, A promise, and the Moon

And there we sat
Our spot of spoils
A flagon of ale
And the music of life

Few words of meaning
Simply joy and laughter
Songs poured forth from our lips
into the sky illuminated by the moon

Toiled we did
a task so jubliant
and in thatmoment
a truth was spoken
a truth was returned

And a promise was made
The last lock upon the beast's cage
would be left undone

My god
i am whole

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Like a river it flowed

A dam burst
A river had flooded
the truth
the secrets
The unholy whole of it all

Flowed forth
and uncensored

The rose shown forth
understanding and compassion
The question was raised
a question long pondered

Why the amaranth
was not where it *should* have been
the truth was in song
running away forever more
so there we sat

alone and dark
united by truth
by desire
lips loosened

That old tale
spun again told to friends over a flagon of ale
The demon's pride
The guardian's virtue

Gan my old friend
I release you
Go your way
Be free
Guide your life as you see fit

The amaranth is safe
Your job secured
your freedom, earned.

In flames I release you
Most powerful of the three
may your world be free
and good

as my secrets unfolded
The rose it listened
of stories long past
of sins long commited
of a past long buried

Like cars they fly
in a highway on the sky
to and fro
they swim and sing
They crash, and sting.

I hate you all
You sheep and swine
Your ignorance of the world
Your blindness to its flaws.

I hate you all.
I envy you more.
I hate what I can not have.

And the tyrant!
Oh yes dear you have a title.
My only grudge
my only anger
stems not from betrayal
but from besting me.

Your betrayal
was sooner than my own.
However if you count the lies
The cheats
And the thrills
I still won
beat you by a year
suck that you tyrant
may you die in hell.

The rose she shone!
For once it listened
willing and eager
My flaws
my sins
laid bare

the queen of swords
she was wrong
one of us had to be

I'm glad it was me.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dreams of Death

I find it kind of funny
I walk this line
in these dreams of which im dieng
Are the most fun i've ever had

The demons haunt me
The queen of swords laughs
Rule 3# even contradicts it's self

The templar laughs in his grave
While I am left
and lost

The plan
The plan
I nearly forgot

I hate this world
I hate this fate
May the cycle break
and it meet it's fate.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A test, or a threat

Fate is fickle
Fate is funny
These things they test us
They threaten us

Old enemies
Old grudges
A sleeping army
A scorned queen
No swords or blades with this one
But red and spiders

Crimson perhaps
Todash it may seem
Somewhere my army sleeps
If this was an attack

Nemo me impune lacessit

And that my dear ellis.
Is a fact.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sky Ablaze

Together we sat
As the sky was set ablaze
The clouds mocked the fire
And mired it with haze

So we left
to venture forth
and see what secrets
we could unveil

And there they were
Bare and stark
the Rose
a petal faded

But suddenly
without warning
Life found a way
And sprang forth

No longer a memory
a dream of what could be
the truth unveiled
A regret
No longer mourned

And in that moment
I gave that Rose something
Something sacred
something special

And the two became one.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Wispered no longer

It was wispered
it was fragile
like the petals on a Rose

We two said it to ourselves
rarely outloud

But amidst the destruction
and deception
where the sentinels failed us
and the guardians left us

The truth came out
not wispered
but stated
a fact

Unprovoked and uncoerced
that most dangerous of phrases
was unleashed
with up most confidence

The truth can set you free or so it is said
We are free.