Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A series of thoughts while playing crysis 2.

This is written while drunker than shit playing crysis two.' I will make no attempt to correct my spelling or grammar as it would compramise the integrity of this document.

Bang the drum? Bang your mother!
Why must that cloaked bastard suddenly be behind me when ive emptied 40 shots into his general directions?

I saw you once comming down the satairs I said hellow with a heavy machine gun.

Why does getting shot in the ass make me fly forward like a monkey shot out of a cannon.
where can i find a cannon that shoots monkeys?

"You killed your gf is hot" Bitch was hot when i had one. No not you jenna you fat assed bitch.

Assist my ass i used 40 bullets shooting him!

four corpses on a bed. Epic gang bang guys. to bad your all homos!

Ill show you jamming a radar

Fucking madagascar. Fucking madagascar fuck you!

Bullet magnet! Yes!!!!@!@$#!@ oh wait. that means i got shot...

Gnades who invteded you! MR t imma kill yosu

Juicemantwo... gay name

Gamma ray strike just for me. im special

wouldnty all souits be maximum if you rREALLY wanted to win?

cloak engaged! Rape timE!

he jsut kept talking in one longe incredbibly unbrooken sentence moving from topic totopivso that no one couldf interuptit was realy quite hipnotic!

Why is pink lemonade so much better?
Jump over one bitch get shot in the back.
In your fov stealin your kills
Ill estabislhs your radar uplink baby. oh yeah!

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